Power Rangers Romance Unlimited

Tori and Blake

The magic of first love is our ignorance

That it can ever end


--Benjamin Disraeli


Tori and Blake-- one of my favorites. The other side they brought out of each other was priceless! Both were outgoing, confident people, loved a good time and friends and each had their indulgences. Confidence was not something they lacked, though subtlety might have been as neither was afraid of who they were or what they thought.

Until they met each other. Then suddenly, they weren't so sure about themselves, out came the shy, caring and sweet people no one ever knew before. It left two rangers and one older brother a little confused, but it was a welcome change in their lives and neither questioned it much. As always, they knew how they felt. It led to some problems, but more happiness than anything else.

And then it was over, no one sure why. Maybe something happened that we didn't see, maybe Blake was setting Tori free and maybe he wanted her to wait, it's never said. He just leaves. It obviously pains Tori, but she doesn't stand in his way. We see them a year later, and it's still unclear, but it seems when Blake left, he left her too, and maybe for good.




Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Disney, Saban, or Power Rangers. However the summaries, downloads, and pictures are my own, property of Power Rangers Unlimited and not to be used without permission.